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Alpha Testing Over

2018-12-17 09:56:40

Hello, everyone! We're moving on from alpha to beta. Warrenz will continue to be in development as we expand on features, take suggestions, and fix any bugs that come up.

Since nothing happened during alpha testing, we're offering everyone the option to keep their progress data. If you want anything reset on your account though, let us know with the Contact Us Form.

Registration is now open to the public, and the game is officially released. If you want to share our link and let others know about the new game, this is a great time to do it!

Thank you everyone for contributing, and enjoy the game!


2018-12-16 18:47:34

We switched the images over to a load-on-the-spot system (rather than saving them to the server). This requires a second to load an image as you view the site, but allows us to vastly increase the amount of rabbits players can have!

You now have room for 5 rabbits the moment you sign up, and will have room for 50 when you reach level 90.
The leveling guide has been updated

Image System Recode

2018-12-16 16:59:43

We're doing a recode on the image system right now. If you see any broken image or notice images changing, this is just a result of the work being done on them.

Final Alpha Test Day

2018-12-16 11:27:38

Today is the last day of early alpha testing. Thank you to everyone who signed up and has been helping us out! We appreciate your bug reports and suggestions.

The game will be released soon and we will still be taking suggestions and addressing bug reports on a longterm basis, so feel free to keep posting if you feel up to it.

We have many high hopes for the game and adding new content in the future.

That's it for now. Enjoy your stay and Happy Holidays!

Alpha Testing Day 2

2018-12-15 10:49:35

Thank you everyone who has joined us for alpha testing. This is day 2 and tomorrow will be the last day of alpha testing.

The staff are working on getting everything smoothed out, polished, and removing any bugs we find. The game will be released after we finish fixing any bugs we find.

We are not going anywhere, though. After the game is released, staff will continue to fix bugs and expand on the game on a longterm basis. There are many additions that we look forward to adding in the future.

Happy testing!

Alpha Testing

2018-12-14 19:01:53

Warrenz is ready for alpha testing! We are looking for anyone to give the game a try and let us know in the forums if you find bugs or have feedback.

Staff will also be testing the game intensively during this time, so you might see some changes here and there.

This testing period will last for 3 days. On December 17th, progress data from testers will be deleted. You can still keep your account and start playing once the game gets released!

The game will be released after bugs are resolved.
Thank you for testing!

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