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This is what you are now...
56544 9860 36569 62549 2291
2709 48439 56296 98072 78838
What do you see yourself as? Choose carefully. This change will be permanent, unless you find yourself with another Golden Snowflake.
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Toggle Modifiers

Unchecking all of the modifier boxes will make the Goilden Snowflake randomize everything, much like a Special Snowflake would.
To mimic the behavior of a different colored snowflake, leave only one box unchecked (for the snowflake you want).

Force Colors
Check any of these options to force certain color attributes.
Full Colorful:

Lock Marking Hue:
Lock Marking Brightness:
Lock Marking Saturation:
Lock Marking Opacity:
Lock Marking Variation:
Lock Otter:

Set Modifiers

If you already know which modifiers you want, you can set them here.

Yellow Snowflake (Mod #1)

Navy Snowflake (Mod #2)

Red Snowflake (Mod #3)

Green Snowflake (Mod #4)

Purple Snowflake (Mod #5)

Sky Snowflake (Mod #6)

Silver Snowflake (Mod #7)

Brown Snowflake (Mod #8)

Black Snowflake (Mod #9)

White Snowflake (Mod #10)