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What should we do with the ej gene?

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Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2020-04-25 06:11:31 | Report

While this topic is being discussed - The Wild gene also seems to have the same issues? We can apply wild marks to anything now (A, at, aa), so are you going to consider something similar for that one, based on how this one works out?

Last Seen: 3-7 days ago
Date Posted: 2020-04-25 07:36:05 | Report

The wild gene causes a solid brown color, as opposed to being self, tan, or a agouti. The brown layer allows for the cut out wild markings to show. Even though it no longer causes markings, that layer helps for the markings to be visible. It’s better than the agouti layer because the agouti layer has a cut out effect in it already (isnt a solid layer), whereas the wild gene causes the solid color. We could rework this by removing the wild gene and making the agouti gene be solid. This would require a lot of changes and affect current existing rabbits though and idk I don’t think the wild gene is as much of a an issue as the Harlequin because as it is, unless we change it, the wild gene still does something that the agouti gene doesn’t and serves a purpose. As opposed to ej right now that don’t do anything different from non-extension or full extension. They either convert to not extension or full extension and have no difference/doesn’t do anything to enhance the ability for markings to show up like wild does. Of course this is all up to players. The reason we want to address this is because players have voiced confusion about the harlequin dna not causing markings. If there’s issues with wild we can address that separately too. It’s just my personal opinion that wild does something unique to warrant existence (even if minor) but harlequin currently doesnt. We definitely want to get the harlequins sorted out since this is been an ongoing issue and later we can look into wilds if that becomes a problem.

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2020-04-26 15:29:33 | Report

With the option where Ej genes are removed, what would be the effect on rabbits that have that gene? Are they simply given the equivalent genes (non extension or full extension), so their genes becomes ee or EE or Ee?

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2020-04-26 16:12:24 | Report

Yes. They would get converted to the gene that is currently being expressed for those rabbits. Since Ej already gets converted to either E or e, they would show E or e, making the genotype accurately reflect the current phenotypes for those rabbits

Last Seen: 1+ year ago
Date Posted: 2020-04-27 00:42:13 | Report

Thanks. That seems like the simplest option for making sure everybody's rabbits look as we want them to and not have to go through all our rabbits to see if we have to change them, so that's my vote (voted in poll now). Though, can I make another suggestion? Is it possible to convert every currently existing rabbit to have either full extension or non extension to preserve how all current rabbits look, and then re-add Ej genes with actual functions like option 1 or 2 to Warrenz? Or would that be too complicated to do?

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