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Forums > Role Play > watership down rp! :D

Last Seen: 1-6 months ago
Date Posted: 2024-04-10 23:20:23 | Report

just a small rp about watership down, feel free to submit an oc anytime! sorta rules lolol: 1-ask perms before a battle-unless its an npc 2-please ask first for high-ranking roles! (rah/leader, owsla captain, etc) 3-you may have as much ocs as you want! ya could even turn npcs into ocs! i just wanna make sure ppl enjoy this XD starting plot: a long, long time ago, when those few brave rabbits moved into our warren.. the viridian warren. *(fanon warren btw dw lolol) lots of years have gone by. plenty of rabbits have been born and passed away. everyone fit perfectly into their roles, more rabbits have joined and left.. but something was off. the winters got longer. the summers and spring days left were much colder. we can barely tell what season it is anymore.. its just winter.. piles of snow we have to remove from our burrow entrances every morning. sometimes even having to dig whole new tunnels to get to the surface. the food is scarce and the kits who manage to survive are forced to stay inside for an even longer time for warmth. nobody knows what to do.. theres no color out in the world except for the ones who lie frozen in the white snow. the predators seem totally fine with it.. its like a curse.. i dont think they want us here anymore. whoever they are.

Last Seen: 1-6 months ago
Date Posted: 2024-04-10 23:56:54 | Report

Name: Akuji {} Nicknames/Lapine name: jiji (pronounced gigi) or just aku! {} Age: young adult (about 2-3 i think, not sure lolol) {} role: scout {} Gender: doe {} Pronouns: she/her {} ——— fun fact(s): her family bloodline comes from escaped pet rabbits! sorta explains her floppy ears lolol {} Warren: the viridian warden {} ——— Appearance Description: a fluffy red/orange lop with tan underfur whos tail is a bit bigger then the average rabbit. she has dark brown eyes and a oddly-bright pink nose {} ——— extra: she was welcomed into the veridian warren when her mother came pregnant from another warren that was being ferreted. when she got old enough she proudly became a scout, wanting to explore the world around her. sadly that wouldnt be for long as this would be when the snowfall came. her mother later died of old age and was buried under a berry bush that they used to snack on and chat together. {} Other: she loves to collect flowers that pop out of the snow. her burrow has some hidden seeds that shes saving if the warren ever is in dire need {} Photo/link: https://www.warrenz.net/rabbit.php?id=2848274 (WOOO LESGOO MY BABA GARILL /j)

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