A new thread for (mostly personal) names I encounter • Some of my favorites I've come across and remember • BoomDemonic • UnholyDad
LuminescenceGeneric was a pretty funny one, too
Okay, for organization purposes and to avoid spamming, the post below this one is where I'll list any and all names I find
BoomDemonic || UnholyDad || LuminescenceGeneric || EuphoriaSensation || UndeadBody || DunkLips || PottyView || WorstIndustry || PolicyWanted || ThankHungry || ScootTitanoboa || ChildrenPup || SentimentalWritings || CaseZero || ReRegions || Derived || InGlimmer || YardSiesta || Communicate
I saw some funny ones! || o v o)g
WifeTemples — FunctionsMutter — ShrimpJackdaw — CustomerJuly — TrappedPromoter... Stuff like that, so far!
StalkerBreathing is the best one I've seen so far.
Stalkerbreathing is hilarious omg! Some ones I’ve seen today: TorchFerret, OopsStudies, GumSting, BeeMachinery, FlamingoWall, and ViolentBoys???
Some more that I saw: DangSlurp, EnoughGuy, ElusiveAnt, GuavaHeaven, FrozenShrimps, MysteriousWaste, AnklePrincess, QuestionableStraw, and SillyThought!
I'm usually hunting rabbits for the Seekers, so i've seen a lot of funny names! Some recent favs are a chocolate rabbit called MiserableChocolate, a basic blue called WorthDirt, and a lovely shagouti named BlandFeatures, lol. Oh, and a black rabbit w/ a named MaliciousApproach. Lots of fun ones!
HateLife is still the funniest one I've found, I had to keep that one