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Any rabbits is special and unique (except whites). What does this mean and what will a snowflake do? You may never know until you use one, but this guide will show you what kind of changes to expect (if any) and which color of snowflake is right for your rabbit!

Snowflake Types

There are a few different types of Snowflakes, each with their own effects. What all Snowflakes (except for the Snotflake) have in common is that they edit hidden modifiers. What's a hidden modifier? Well, it's the hidden values that control a rabbit's colors such as shade, hue, and pattern. If you have a spotted (Broken) rabbit, the hidden mofifiers control where the spots are. If you have a Vienna with a white strip on the nose, hidden modifiers control whether the white strip is on the nose. There are four hidden modifiers that can be edited by Snowflakes. So what do the different types of Snowflakes do?

Special Snowflake - This randomly changes all hidden modifiers for a rabbit.

Snotflake - These don't do anything. They're just a novelty item. You can delete them if they're cluttering up your den.

Yellow Snowflake - This changes the first hidden modifier for a rabbit.

Blue Snowflake - This changes the second hidden modifier for a rabbit.

Red Snowflake - This changes the third hidden modifier.

Green Snowflake - This changes the fourth hidden modifier.

Purple Snowflake - This changes the fifth hidden modifier.

Golden Snowflake - This Credit Store Snowflake has the ability to randomize and any and all of the 4 modifiers with endless previewable options.

You noticed we skipped the second mofifier? That's because the second modifier is the rabbit's ID, so we're not going to get into that one here.

Which Snowflakes do what?

Here's the most useful part that will tell you which Snowflake to use if you want to change certain aspects of your rabbit.

Yellow Snowflake changes:
- Color of the fade on base color of clr.
- Color of the fade on colored part of colorful cclr.
- Whether or not an agouti (A_) will have otter layer.
- Broken pattern.
- Whether or not a Dutch will have blue eyes (1/23 chance).
- If vienna has white markings.
- Agouti tone.
- Color hue on colorful.
- Martenization of wild (1/17 are non-martenized).
- Pupil color on eyec with heterochromia.
- Whether or not rabbit has heterochromia.
- If light/dark spirit, alternate between light or dark.

Blue SNowflake:
- Blue eyes of vienna (whether a rabbit has them).
- Wild tail, legs, and eye otter-esque markings.
- Base fade (whether a rabbit has it).
- Some fade color.
- Spirit marking variation on rabbits IDs 308820 and above.
- Wild agouti brightness.

Red Snowflake changes:
- Fade color on clr.
- Presence of fade on cclr and clr.
- Color of cclr sometimes.
- wild otter nose, ears, body

Green Snowflake changes:
- Agouti layer on wilds (1/3 of only otter).
- Wild agouti head, ears
- Broken pattern (1/17 chance) of no perameters.
- Spirit color.

Purple Snowflake changes:
- Broken pattern type
- Wild agouti body
- Colorful full color (1/17 chance).

Visual Guides

These visual guides, provided by muttduck, show some of the changes that can happen with various types of snowflakes. Click on them to view a bigger version of the image.