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What is Sponsoring?

In the suggestions forum, suggestions can be sponsored for credits, which gives you the option to pay for features and other things that you really want instead of just asking and waiting. Of course, Warrenz staff work diligently to fulfill player suggestions on a regular basis regardless of sponsorship, but your sponsorship will help provide funding for us to get even more into the game!

How do I sponsor a suggestion?

To sponsor a suggestion, use the prioritization dropdown menu below a forum topic with the 'Sponsor Me' tag on it. The option to sponsor (with the amount of credits needed) will appear in the dropdown. Select it and confirm your sponsorship. You'll get a notification and the thread will be sponsored! It will place the suggestion at the highest priority and you will be subscribed to the topic. You'll get a second notification (through the topic subscription) when staff post a timeframe for when it will be implemented.

What is a sponsor proposal?

The sponsor proposal is a brief description outlining exactly what will be added if the suggestion is sponsored. Usually this is either the entire suggestion or the fundamental parts needed to get it started on the site, which can expanded on later in future suggestions.

Why can't any suggestion be sponsored?

The option to sponsor a suggestion may not be available for all threads. Here are some reasons you may not see the option to sponsor a suggestion:
- The feature hasn't been approved by staff. There can be various reasons for this, such as uncertain scope of how the feature will effect the multiplayer economy, how it will be coded, or its integration with other (possibly unreleased) features, etc.
- If there is uncertainty about how the suggestion will be implemented, and what will be needed to implement it.
- If other (possibly unreleased) parts of the site are needed first, staff may leave a suggestion sitting until those parts are completed, at which point it will be ready for possible sponsorship.
- If the suggestion is controversial amongst the playerbase, which may require additional player feedback polling and/or adjustments to the way the idea is implemented.
- If the suggestion is already being worked on at the highest level of priority and/or we don't need any additional funding for it.
- If the suggestion was denied by staff (denied suggestions will be closed and replies will be disabled).

If you have questions about a particular topic's sponsorability status, you can request more information from staff by posting in that topic.