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Contest Winner

2021-01-07 00:27:15

Tiny won the Character Contest against 40 other rabbits! Their owner received 22200 pts, 710 account exp, and 5200 rabbit exp.


Daffodilpatch against 3 opponents.

JuvenileMoose against 1 opponents.

MarbleRed against 1 opponents.

Tayberry against 2 opponents.

PetalsKM against 0 opponents.

TiredTail against 2 opponents.

FictionHarvest against 0 opponents.

RexGrub against 1 opponents.

UnluckyBaby against 1 opponents.

ChickApe against 0 opponents.

PayIncognito against 0 opponents.

LinkAdmire against 0 opponents.

StalksExcept against 0 opponents.

PostBored against 0 opponents.

OopsSoulless against 0 opponents.

SorrowGolden against 1 opponents.

MongooseGood against 0 opponents.

SlapFrost against 0 opponents.

NumericalOminous against 0 opponents.

PronounCompounds against 0 opponents.

HematiteRewarded against 0 opponents.

DampRespectable against 0 opponents.

MuchPorous against 0 opponents.

ClumsyTale against 0 opponents.

SlothDegree against 0 opponents.

VulnerableHunt against 0 opponents.


2021-01-01 13:39:17

There's a new explore area for January! The Volcano, which is home to Volcanic Eggs and Fire Stones, rare tems that with your rabbits some extra flare.

This area will come back each year as January's official event!

Contest Winner

2020-12-31 00:27:11

Tayberry won the Character Contest against 25 other rabbits! Their owner received 17600 pts, 630 account exp, and 4350 rabbit exp.


Autumnphaze# against 0 opponents.

SkiesLogical against 2 opponents.

ImbalanceTalk against 0 opponents.

Landline against 1 opponents.

BewilderingFaculty against 0 opponents.

Liraz against 0 opponents.

NoodleGhoul against 2 opponents.

ObsequiousJustice against 0 opponents.

UnpleasantVolcanic against 1 opponents.

Meanie against 1 opponents.

Frozen Crow against 0 opponents.

AshThrills against 0 opponents.

Pencil Case against 1 opponents.

DescriptionTaken against 0 opponents.

Tallulah against 0 opponents.

Merger Polls

2020-12-30 12:15:14

After running polls and gathering feedback on what to do about a potential change of ownership or merging of sites, we have come to some answers on how to go forward!

1. We are working on an OPTIONAL Warrenz to 4dopt (one-way) transporter for those who wish to merge into 4dopt. It will feature:
- Moving your account EXP (all except 30 levels off your account, as there is going to be a 30 level requirement to use the transporter).
- Moving your rabbits. Their names will make a seamless transition to the similar RNG system on 4dopt. Their colors will be reset according to color name, and you will be given access to custom recoloring. Staff will also be around to help make sure rabbits can be restored.
- Points will be able to be used in a special shop that will give you access to rare and unreleased Warrenz content on 4dopt. Things like the aquatic bunny we have been working on behind the scenes for Warrenz will be available through the transporter.

2. 4dopt is going to continue being developed with Warrenz in mind. It's built from the same framework and has many of the same features as Warrenz, so most things will be able to transition with as few differences as possible.

We are currently going through the process of adding Warrenz rabbit artwork to 4dopt to make this happen.

The 4dopt staff are interested in adding more Warrenz features, too, so this in the works. 4dopt recently added:
- a Warrenz layout (made by the same staffer, CarrotCube, who made the layout on Warrenz)
- seekers
- an tem to marking preview/application system that works like Warrenz' Crystal Cave (but with live previews)
- a 'snowflake' randomizer that is built into the same feature
More Warrenz features are in the works, including the Character Contest.

3. For now, ownership is staying the same. Lunar has a lot on her plate right now, as she is working on multiple sites. It may be in the best interest of Warrenz and its players to let things be slow for a bit while she's working on other things, as this should pick up when time allows. If the right person comes along (someone who is passionate about Warrenz and has money to cover costs and coding knowledge), we may come back to the idea. This decision will be made based on what's best for the site and its players. For now, Lunar is mainly focussed on bugs, maintaining current site functions, and new content.

Contest Winner

2020-12-24 00:27:16

RidersChayote won the Character Contest against 41 other rabbits! Their owner received 26200 pts, 900 account exp, and 8950 rabbit exp.


ZenRevenge against 1 opponents.

Tayberry against 2 opponents.

MonarchVision against 9 opponents.

PetalsKM against 0 opponents.

JuvenileMoose against 0 opponents.

CampingCompromise against 0 opponents.

Meanie against 1 opponents.

ThousandRest against 3 opponents.

RaspberryComplaint against 0 opponents.

NarrowTropical against 1 opponents.

ShungiteEven against 0 opponents.

PayIncognito against 0 opponents.

CatsNut against 0 opponents.

ObstinateDignify against 0 opponents.

EqualSerpent against 0 opponents.

PostBored against 0 opponents.

Leetol Mans against 1 opponents.

ReignsPhrasesOnly against 0 opponents.

MongooseGood against 0 opponents.

Dappled Willow against 0 opponents.

VisitPrice against 0 opponents.

Jackalope Marking Pack

2020-12-23 14:02:43

New Jackalope markings have been added!

New Merge Poll

2020-12-19 13:35:20

I've posted a new poll to try and get more specific opinions on what players are interested in. Follow-up polls will likely occur as things get worked out.

The new poll can be found here.

Important Update

2020-12-18 15:23:00

Hello everyone! This is Lunar. I want to let everyone know that there are some important decisions that need to be made about Warrenz' future. I love this site deeply and want what is best for it. Currently, I am having trouble keeping up with running multiple websites, so I am having to consider the difficult possibility of selling one of these sites to someone who will have more time for them. I want to see Warrenz continue to grow and flourish—unfortunately, I'm having a hard time making time for both sites.

HOWEVER, there is also an alternative that I wanted to run by the playerbase, and that is a merger. Both Warrenz and 4dopt share many similar features, and the rabbits on Warrenz (and other things) could be transferred over to 4dopt.
Combining the two sites into one would give me the ability to keep up with much needed updates, without selling either of them.

Check out this thread for dicussion, and polling on what you would like to see happen.

What is 4dopt.com?
4dopt is an upload-your-own species and item pet game similaer to warrenz, but not specifically focussed on rabbits.
It is in early access, the code is betatest if anyone here would like to take a closer look.

What does Warrenz gain from the merge?
- No need to transfer ownership, coder will have time for both if they are merged.
- Ability for players to upload their own species or items with comprehensive layer system and settings.
- More realtime functionality (less page reloading). Pet treasures can be added and removed without a page refresh. 4dopt's 'crystal cave' feature (called 'Recoloring') has realtime previews. Explore is in realtime.
- Layer system and recoloring is intuitive and doesn't have much learning curve (no complex genes/mods, just direct markings).
- On-site chat (can send messages in realtime) that is connected to forums.
- Explore has keyboard shortcuts, clicking is optional.
- Evolution feature with comprehensive mechanics, is also used for aging baby bunny into adult bunny.
- Better guides that are searchable.

What does Warrenz lose from the merge?
- Chimerism feature may not transfer over.
- Battling does not currently exist on 4dopt.
- No silhouettes in explore, you see the pet directly. So no preview specs.
- 4dopt does not currently have Mendelian genetics, so unless this gets added later, no realistic rabbit genetics. No hidden mods for sure.
- Trick or treat currently doesn't exist on 4dopt, though we have plans to add it.
- You can only use one breeding supplement at a time (instead of combining two).
- No pregnancy (breeding gives instant offspring).

What would happen to my stuff?
- Rabbits can be transferred, their images may become overlays. Their level/EXP will be retained. Stats can either be retained or converted to EXP/levels.
- Account EXP/levels can be transferred, since 4dopt has the same system.
- RNG names can be transferred. 4dopt has an almost identical system with old names and a name market.
- PTS can be transferred.
- Items can be converted to PTS (liquidated) and transferred.
- Any credits can be transferred and converted to 4dopt's rates for equal value.
- Most achievements can be transferred, though some can't (like the trick or treat ones).
- The rarity of some poses may be different on 4dopt. For example, the baby bunny is quite common over there. So we would give any warrenz transferred rabbits special statuses to make sure they retain their past rarity to the highest possible extent.

Contest Winner

2020-12-17 00:27:08

TiredTail won the Character Contest against 60 other rabbits! Their owner received 28000 pts, 800 account exp, and 6000 rabbit exp.


LesserJanuary against 2 opponents.

WinterNight against 2 opponents.

Liraz against 2 opponents.

PrinceComposure against 1 opponents.

RespectableStable against 0 opponents.

EyedDress against 1 opponents.

HoldRegard against 1 opponents.

LayCardamom against 4 opponents.

ThousandRest against 1 opponents.

RaspberryComplaint against 0 opponents.

Tayberry against 5 opponents.

FarmsCardinal against 1 opponents.

PityThird against 2 opponents.

TurqueniteChalice against 0 opponents.

ChickApe against 1 opponents.

HateAppreciate against 1 opponents.

PayIncognito against 2 opponents.

AttentionUnload against 2 opponents.

InjuriesRoll against 0 opponents.

CelestialFloor against 1 opponents.

RidersChayote against 2 opponents.

PostBored against 0 opponents.

MockInterest against 0 opponents.

Hibiscus against 1 opponents.

RoamPalmetto against 0 opponents.

GingeryGrowl against 0 opponents.

Contest Winner

2020-12-10 00:27:12

SpringsIlk won the Character Contest against 20 other rabbits! Their owner received 17500 pts, 675 account exp, and 5500 rabbit exp.


Berrycake against 0 opponents.

Daisyflower against 2 opponents.

HeavyShy against 0 opponents.

Violetfeather against 0 opponents.

Pinot Noir against 0 opponents.

FangMaw against 1 opponents.

WildflowerWay against 1 opponents.

KangarooLump against 0 opponents.

FactorsIbis against 0 opponents.

SeasComposition against 0 opponents.

DrinkingJicama against 0 opponents.

Tayberry against 0 opponents.

SealTemporal against 0 opponents.

Coneflower against 0 opponents.

Ninebark against 0 opponents.

Contest Winner

2020-12-03 00:27:08

SlitherGrapeManatee won the Character Contest against 39 other rabbits! Their owner received 22100 pts, 715 account exp, and 5350 rabbit exp.


OopsSoulless against 1 opponents.

Bottlebrush against 2 opponents.

MonarchVision against 0 opponents.

CampingCompromise against 1 opponents.

Liraz against 0 opponents.

Brothers Bedroom against 2 opponents.

RaspberryComplaint against 0 opponents.

DosesScratch against 0 opponents.

SpinelCrumble against 0 opponents.

NarrowTropical against 0 opponents.

BlinkArmy against 0 opponents.

HaggleRainfall against 1 opponents.

SkiesLogical against 1 opponents.

InjuriesRoll against 0 opponents.

SerenadeBasic against 0 opponents.

CelestialFloor against 0 opponents.

IntelligentChimera against 1 opponents.

DandyHarmless against 1 opponents.

FishBerry against 0 opponents.

DawnSass against 1 opponents.

EqualSerpent against 1 opponents.

PostBored against 0 opponents.

SaladResidual against 0 opponents.

MongooseGood against 0 opponents.

HealthGraves against 0 opponents.

Contest Winner

2020-11-26 00:27:06

LaurelSage won the Character Contest against 53 other rabbits! Their owner received 26100 pts, 775 account exp, and 5850 rabbit exp.


Daffodilpatch against 0 opponents.

Berrycake against 0 opponents.

Daisyflower against 3 opponents.

Violetfeather against 3 opponents.

Liraz against 1 opponents.

Asphyxia against 2 opponents.

Slow against 5 opponents.

SeriouslyBewitched against 2 opponents.

MonarchVision against 1 opponents.

ShroomScience against 1 opponents.

FactorsIbis against 2 opponents.

RaspberryComplaint against 0 opponents.

DosesScratch against 0 opponents.

DrinkingJicama against 1 opponents.

SlitherGrapeManatee against 2 opponents.

SpinelCrumble against 0 opponents.

Joy ll against 1 opponents.

TurqueniteChalice against 0 opponents.

InjuriesRoll against 0 opponents.

SerenadeBasic against 0 opponents.

CelestialFloor against 0 opponents.

PostBored against 0 opponents.

RuelliaLoris against 0 opponents.

DownwardPoised against 0 opponents.

WhipFrilly against 0 opponents.

RexGrub against 0 opponents.

MongooseGood against 0 opponents.

Zigzag Marking Pack

2020-11-19 20:25:25

New Zigzag markings have been added!

Contest Winner

2020-11-19 00:27:09

Daffodilpatch won the Character Contest against 146 other rabbits! Their owner received 56300 pts, 1355 account exp, and 12800 rabbit exp.


BeastTilt against 5 opponents.

BlameSplendor against 3 opponents.

FeelingSilly against 3 opponents.

CocoaMocha against 5 opponents.

DarkChocMint against 4 opponents.

WorthyHidden against 3 opponents.

RespectableStable against 3 opponents.

PayIncognito against 4 opponents.

FunBug against 4 opponents.

CloverPhaze against 3 opponents.

SpinelCrumble against 3 opponents.

RatLoom against 3 opponents.

Landline against 6 opponents.

Delight against 4 opponents.

PurposeBolster against 4 opponents.

BinkyBash against 3 opponents.

DrinkingJicama against 6 opponents.

HeatherCaught against 5 opponents.

AlarmingPredictions against 5 opponents.

RollBeta against 4 opponents.

FaithJanuary against 3 opponents.

BlinkArmy against 3 opponents.

UsualTattoo against 2 opponents.

OpalShine against 3 opponents.

StardustFlowers against 7 opponents.

OrchidRoster against 6 opponents.

SlitherGrapeManatee against 5 opponents.

StormFighting against 5 opponents.

Contest Winner

2020-11-12 00:27:29

ThunderHoof won the Character Contest against 85 other rabbits! Their owner received 40500 pts, 1175 account exp, and 12250 rabbit exp.


LengthSlash against 4 opponents.

WinterNight against 2 opponents.

DanderPrimrose against 2 opponents.

Liraz against 4 opponents.

Joy ll against 3 opponents.

EqualSerpent against 2 opponents.

RespectableStable against 1 opponents.

ExperimentBunny against 3 opponents.

BendyAncestorsJeer against 3 opponents.

RidiculousVine against 2 opponents.

MonarchVision against 1 opponents.

Hyzenthlay against 2 opponents.

RatLoom against 0 opponents.

InjuriesRoll against 1 opponents.

SaladResidual against 1 opponents.

SerenadeBasic against 1 opponents.

FaintWrap against 2 opponents.

WildestCharacters against 1 opponents.

CourtlyWealth against 2 opponents.

RaspberryComplaint against 1 opponents.

ChickApe against 1 opponents.

BlinkArmy against 1 opponents.

SpinelThump against 5 opponents.

YourUnexpected against 1 opponents.

SeasComposition against 2 opponents.

AbandonWell against 2 opponents.

UnderMotif against 2 opponents.

RidersChayote against 3 opponents.

Blot Marking Pack

2020-11-11 10:13:37

New Blot markings have been added!

Contest Winner

2020-11-05 00:27:09

FaithJanuary won the Character Contest against 94 other rabbits! Their owner received 41400 pts, 1130 account exp, and 10900 rabbit exp.


Liraz against 5 opponents.

GardenHare against 2 opponents.

CloverPhaze against 2 opponents.

CrimsonHarrier against 1 opponents.

Daffodilpatch against 4 opponents.

ZipperBlesmol against 5 opponents.

Berrycake against 1 opponents.

ExperimentBunny against 5 opponents.

ScrapeQuail against 2 opponents.

HeatherCaught against 2 opponents.

OnionStarsNine against 3 opponents.

VioletQuest against 5 opponents.

GreatlyCursed against 4 opponents.

EverLiked against 2 opponents.

SpinelThump against 4 opponents.

RevengeKid against 1 opponents.

GreenUnconfirmed against 2 opponents.

InformalReality against 0 opponents.

Asphyxia against 2 opponents.

WildflowerWay against 1 opponents.

HoarderFlower against 1 opponents.

FishingCanopy against 3 opponents.

UndeservedPerfect against 2 opponents.

ConcernRighteous against 0 opponents.

FuchsiaSun against 3 opponents.

RidersChayote against 2 opponents.

DeciduousSkunk against 1 opponents.

BulkEgret against 0 opponents.

Zigzag Alien Marking Pack

2020-10-30 10:26:26

New Zigzag Alien markings have been added!

Contest Winner

2020-10-29 00:27:10

RidersChayote won the Character Contest against 88 other rabbits! Their owner received 37900 pts, 1015 account exp, and 8900 rabbit exp.


BaleWater against 2 opponents.

BlossomOrchard against 2 opponents.

BayBet against 2 opponents.

EyedDress against 4 opponents.

SeasComposition against 1 opponents.

Liraz against 4 opponents.

PardonNudge against 3 opponents.

Joy ll against 4 opponents.

RespectableStable against 1 opponents.

IndulgeSpinel against 3 opponents.

FaintWrap against 2 opponents.

SpreadsWetElbow against 2 opponents.

CakeIncreases against 1 opponents.

WhipBoiled against 0 opponents.

FishingCanopy against 1 opponents.

ExtraordinaryDragon against 3 opponents.

AwkwardAce against 2 opponents.

MonarchVision against 1 opponents.

ThousandRest against 4 opponents.

Mushrooms against 2 opponents.

SlitherGrapeManatee against 5 opponents.

EnoughClover against 3 opponents.

NonBusy against 1 opponents.

TurqueniteChalice against 1 opponents.

PlaguePalace against 2 opponents.

KeyDuty against 0 opponents.

UndeservedPerfect against 0 opponents.

GrubSpaces against 1 opponents.

HTML to BBCode

2020-10-27 09:37:03

For security reasons, HTML and CSS coding are turned off for now.

|< . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 . . 8 . . 9 . . (10) . . 11 . . 12 . . 13 . . 14 . . 15 . . 16 . . 17 . . 18 . . 19 . . 20 . . 21 . . 22 . . 23 . . 24 . . 25 . . 26 . . 27 . . 28 . . 29 . >|