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2019-08-28 08:13:32

Pose #8, #12, and #13 now comes in Palms markings. Thank you, Ryrima for volunteering to do these.

Ryrima has an art gallery here that you can check out!


2019-08-26 14:41:19

Pose #6 now comes in Jay markings. Thank you, Alledowaya for volunteering to do these.

Alledowaya has an art gallery here that you can check out!

Skunks & Palms

2019-08-24 08:50:33

Pose #3 now comes in Palms markings. Thank you, Ryrima for volunteering to do these.

$claimername has an art gallery here that you can check out!

Also, pose #14 and #2 now come in Skunk markings. Thank you, Ryrima and Teewie for volunteering to do these!

Magic Stars

2019-08-23 08:41:07

Magic Stars are now coded to work separately from Skvader Feathers. Instead of a transformation item, they will add or remove the special star marking on a Skvader (depending on whether your Skvader has it). They will no longer overwrite current special markings.

We will eventually have an item that functions similarly for other special markings like Palms, Skunk, etc. so that you can add and remove markings with ease. There are three different marking layer slots, so you'll be able to rearrange the markings as needed.

The Skvader Feather has been re-added to the credit store. Stars will still be an event item you can get during August!

Skvader Stars

2019-08-23 06:38:53

In order to fix an issue with Skvader stars overwriting other special markings (like Jays, Palms, etc.), we're splitting the transformation item into two different items.

The Skvader Feather will transform your rabbit into a Skvader (no star) and the Magic Star can add the star to a Skvader.

Everyone who had a Magic Star now also has a Skvader Feather for each Magic Star that was owned. If you had Magic Stars in your shop, check there (the Skvader Feather prices were defaulted to 0 so they can't be sold until you set a price. We also added them to rabbit treasures where stars were found.

The Skvader transform item has been temporarily removed from the credit shop and will be back most likely today or within the next couple days.

Foraging has been updated so you can find the Skvader Feather, and Magic Stars are a little more common. Magic Stars are currently inactive and don't do anything, but don't get rid of them. They should up and functioning again (as a way to add the Star to a Skvader) soon within the next few days. We're working on getting it so they don't overwrite other markings.


2019-08-22 11:49:11

What are these skunk-like bunnies? Do they smell? Well, they're pretty, either way!

You can now find Skunk-like bunnies in the Backyard Rabbitry area.

Thank you to our volunteer marking artists, CarrotCube, Arsen, Tessiursa, Ashton, and Alledowaya for helping working on these! We've added all volunteer artists to the acknowledgements page, which will be automatically updated from now on.


2019-08-22 09:54:01

Warrenz has been growing very quickly. It is still under a year old and we have a lot going on (and even more to add). To make room for everything, we've split some of the links in the explore area to a new place called the Plaza, which includes shops, dailies, and some of the more important places you may want to go quickly without having to remember which explore area they're in.

Level restrictions still apply in the Plaza. Nothing major has really changed, we just moved some links to improve navigation (for current and future plans).

The sidebar has been slightly rearranged to add the Plaza right next to Explore. We also put Rabbits and Warren next to each other, and Den and Bdges side-by-side (so everything feels a little more organized).

Contest Winner

2019-08-22 00:27:02

ButterflyPassion won the Character Contest against 29 other rabbits! Their owner received 20700 pts, 745 account exp, and 6450 rabbit exp.

More Palms

2019-08-20 10:36:52

Pose #7 and $4 now come in Palms markings. Thank you, Ryrima for volunteering to do these.

Ryrima has an art gallery here that you can check out!


2019-08-15 19:49:15

Pose #13 and #8 now come in Jay markings. Thank you, Ghost for volunteering to do these!

Ghost has an art gallery here that you can check out!


2019-08-15 17:38:55

Pose #3 now comes in Jay markings. Thank you, Arsen for volunteering to do these.

Contest Winner

2019-08-15 00:27:02

Whisp won the Character Contest against 60 other rabbits! Their owner received 29800 pts, 890 account exp, and 7800 rabbit exp.

Referral System

2019-08-14 22:22:10

You can now get rewards for referring new players! These come in the form of Referral Giftboxes, which you'll receive any time someone you referred purchases credits.

Referral Giftboxes contain valuable items such as DNA, rare shrooms, and cores.

You can get your referral link and start referring people by going to your settings page.

Palm Skvaders

2019-08-14 22:17:50

Pose #16 now comes in Palms markings. Thank you, sleepless for volunteering to do these.

sleepless has an art gallery here that you can check out!

Another Day, Another Jay

2019-08-14 09:35:23

Pose #5 now comes in Jay markings. Thank you, Alledowaya for volunteering to do these.

Alledowaya has an art gallery here that you can check out!

Jay & Palms

2019-08-14 03:09:40

Pose #6 now comes in Palms markings, and #15 in Palms. Thank you, Epipen for volunteering to do these!


2019-08-14 02:59:59

Pose #12 now comes in Jay markings. Thank you, Ghost for volunteering to do these.

$claimername has an art gallery here that you can check out!


2019-08-13 15:12:46

The Fuzzy Lop pose now comes in Jay markings. Thank you, Ghost for volunteering to do these!

Ghost's Deviantart page can be found here.

Crystal Cave Colors

2019-08-11 06:50:00

The transform items in the Crystal Cave will now work on special colors (like Palms and Jays) if the pose comes in them. It will only prevent previews and use on rabbits that are of a color that the transformation pose doesn't come in.

Wilder + Special Color Update

2019-08-09 18:50:56

We've updated the special colors such as Wilder, Wildenglish, Palms, and Jays. This update also effects the stars on Skvaders.

You can now use Shadow of a Doubt on any rabbit with these special markings. If the marking doesn't come in every pose, you simply won't have the option to select the unavailable poses.

Breeding has also been recoded for these coloes and is much simpler. If your rabbit inherits a special marking that their pose doesn't come in, they simply won't have it (no reverting to a different pose like in the previous code).

Wildjay is now available in two more poses. These poses are not obtainable in explore right now, but Lunar will sell a few that can be bred and you'll be able to obtain them later with an item.

|< . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 . . 8 . . 9 . . 10 . . 11 . . 12 . . 13 . . 14 . . 15 . . 16 . . 17 . . 18 . . 19 . . 20 . . 21 . . 22 . . (23) . . 24 . . 25 . . 26 . . 27 . . 28 . . 29 . >|