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2019-06-22 18:50:30

There are three new very rare color changing items called cores that you can find while foraging in certain areas.

The Fullcolor Cores can turn a basic Colorful rabbit into a Full Colorful, resulting in very flashy bunnies! The colors they change to depends on the rabbit's hidden modifiers. Found at Mystic Grove, River Bank, Spirit Tree, and Soulful Pond.

The Fading Core can give Fade to a Colorful, which can sometimes show a lovely effect. The color of the fade depends on hidden modifiers. Found at River Bank, Spirit Tree, and Soulful Pond.

Spirit Cores will turn the spirit markings to light/dark depending on the hidden modifiers (light spirits are more common). Found at the Spirit Tree.

You can also preview what the items will look like at the Crystal Cave.

Contest Winner

2019-06-20 00:27:03

PuddleBelly won the Character Contest against 81 other rabbits! Their owner received 36600 pts, 1020 account exp, and 9350 rabbit exp.

Lucky Human Foot

2019-06-16 17:31:28

The Lucky Human Foot credit item now works in tunnel-wide forage. It also now indicates exactly which items were found due to the effects of the Lucky Human Foot! You will see in a special message next to each item if the item would not have been found otherwise.


2019-06-16 16:06:10

Some brave (and very hungry) bunnies had ben experimenting with eating these weird shrooms, their effects were not noticeable untill they had kits!
These new shrooms will give your kits different effects.
Rabbits are not farmers, not that farming mushrooms is easy, so your best bet to get any of these fungi is by foraging. Where to forage? Mushrooms grow all over these lands, but we are not sure what kinds of shroom you can find in different areas.
However, we have some rabbits that reported seeing Unicorn Shrooms at the June Beach and some other rabbits reporting that the spirit tree has a unique mushroom that don't appear anywhere else. Beyond that, everything else is a mystery for now.
Hope you find these shrooms as funny as we did!

Foraging & Rabbit Slots

2019-06-13 16:12:21

There's a new way to forage called Tunnel Forage that lets you forage using an entire tunnel at once! This option is great if you don't have time, but still want to get through your foraging for the day. You can still get more out of the individual foraging if you decide to stick with that option.

Additional rabbit slots can also now be purchased from the site store. Unlike upgrades, these slots are permanently bound to your account. They stack with upgrade slots and level slots.

Contest Winner

2019-06-13 00:27:03

PuddleBelly won the Character Contest against 28 other rabbits! Their owner received 21900 pts, 815 account exp, and 7900 rabbit exp.

Nightmode is here!

2019-06-11 11:40:32

After the increbile 100% yes in our Facebook poll, we have ben making the Nightmode layout now accessible to everyone under settings.
We hope you enjoy this theme but if you have anything to say, I invite you to post on the forums and let us know!
Thank you very much and enjoy!

Rabbit Treasures are here!

2019-06-07 10:44:22

As you might have noticed, there have ben some rabbits holding some items in their profile.

Now yours can do that too!

Simply go to their profile and add as many slots to their Treasury as you'd like, then go to your inventory and click on the items you'd like to add to their profile. At the bottom you'll see the option to give the item to whatever rabbit has open slots.

To remove the items from their profile, just click on the item(s) you'd like to be returned to your den.

This feature currently has no gameplay functionality and it is a way to characterize your rabbits.

This includes Mission Rabbits! If you have a mission rabbit, you can also give them whatever items you think they'd love to have a hoard of.
Like certain banana and strawberry bunnies...

However, we might need to change that feature in the future, and if the mission rabbits change owners, we may have difficulties refunding the money you spent on the slots.

There are plans to expand the den size, so while this feature may free your Den a little bit, I assure you waiting is going to be worth it.

We also do have things planned for the treasure slots in the future but as to what exactly shall maintain a secret, for now, we hope you enjoy giving your rabbits things to hold and show off!

Contest Winner

2019-06-06 00:27:02

StarNoble won the Character Contest against 19 other rabbits! Their owner received 19100 pts, 765 account exp, and 7350 rabbit exp.

ToS Update

2019-06-03 03:58:30

The Terms of Service have been updated with clarification on rules regarding political discussion and trading in-game currency with other sites.

Mark Fighters

2019-06-01 20:24:32

You can now mark fighters in your tunnels! This allows you to choose which rabbits are used in predator battles!

You can read more details about selecting fighters in the Predator Guide.

Credit Items

2019-06-01 12:55:13

Credit item prices and availability have been redone. Unicorn Horns are also now available as a credit item year round, but will continue to be findable during the June event each year!

If you purchased a credit item at a higher price in the past, feel free to let us know in the Contact Us form or Help Horum. We'll be giving out elligible credit refunds on the price changes.

Thank you all again for supporting Warrenz!

June Beachside

2019-06-01 03:24:32

The June Event has started! You can find special Wilder bunnies in this area. Rabbits with Wilder markings are pose-locked and may not be available in every pose in exchange for offering many new and exciting possibilities!

There is also something else very special you can find in the Beachside area. A secret surprise you may find on rare occasions.

Special Rabbits

2019-05-31 15:32:36

The June event is coming up! A new area will be unlocked at midnight. You'll be able to find some incredible new bunnies you might never have seen before!

To kick things off, we're releasing Special rabbits with an extra wild marking layer! These are non-event rabbits, so you will be able to find them in any area year-round (they are a bit rare, though). You can breed them (and the extra marking can be passed on to non-wilds), but they're pose-locked and Shadows won't work on them.

Which brings us to the event! Here's a little teaser of what's to come. More details tonight.

New Layout

2019-05-19 15:22:33

Hello everyone! As you may see there is a new layout!

With this one, we hope everyone has a better time reading and navigating the site!
It was mainly made by CarrotCube! Even the top bunny and heart graphic. We hope you like it as this is going to be staying!

We have a forum here for bugs and readability issues


If you cant read well something, there is a bug that suddently poped back up, you dont like how X looks like, etc you are more than welcome to post it there!

With this big change we will be able to implement themes to the site! Event themes as well as user-requested ones, like nightmode, for example can be made so everyone can have a different theme! Whether youd like to celebrate events with us or stay up late browsing.

Again, we hope you like the new layout and dont be afraid to post in the frorum adobe whatever bugs or issues you encounter!

Thank you so much for your support!

Shop Search

2019-05-12 14:21:57

To go along with the new restocking feature, there is now a player shop search which you can get to from the Search page on your left sidebar!


2019-05-11 19:03:48

A new shops and restocking feature has been added! Starting at level 10, you can find various shops around Warrenz in the explore areas.

These shops will sell items at a better rate than Quick Buying. Sometimes, you may even find sales that provide further discounts.

Note about DNA prices: DNA prices are still planned to go significantly after a shop for DNA is added. However, this update does not include the DNA shop. That will come later!

DNA Prices

2019-05-10 13:05:44

This is a heads up that the quick buy prices on DNA will be raised significantly in the future.

We aare currently building a restocking feature that will allow you to discounts on items, and there will be a DNA shop with a potential to find sales that are cheaper than the quick buy prices.

The quick buy prices will be adjusted once we add the new shop.

Contest Winner

2019-05-09 00:27:02

AnyGift won the Character Contest against 53 other rabbits! Their owner received 29700 pts, 955 account exp, and 9450 rabbit exp.

Crystal Cave Previewer

2019-05-06 17:10:56

You can now access previews at the Crystal Cave regardless of whether you have the items needed.

|< . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 . . 8 . . 9 . . 10 . . 11 . . 12 . . 13 . . 14 . . 15 . . 16 . . 17 . . 18 . . 19 . . 20 . . 21 . . 22 . . 23 . . 24 . . (25) . . 26 . . 27 . . 28 . . 29 . >|