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Mark Fighters

2019-06-01 20:24:32

You can now mark fighters in your tunnels! This allows you to choose which rabbits are used in predator battles!

You can read more details about selecting fighters in the Predator Guide.

Credit Items

2019-06-01 12:55:13

Credit item prices and availability have been redone. Unicorn Horns are also now available as a credit item year round, but will continue to be findable during the June event each year!

If you purchased a credit item at a higher price in the past, feel free to let us know in the Contact Us form or Help Horum. We'll be giving out elligible credit refunds on the price changes.

Thank you all again for supporting Warrenz!

June Beachside

2019-06-01 03:24:32

The June Event has started! You can find special Wilder bunnies in this area. Rabbits with Wilder markings are pose-locked and may not be available in every pose in exchange for offering many new and exciting possibilities!

There is also something else very special you can find in the Beachside area. A secret surprise you may find on rare occasions.

Special Rabbits

2019-05-31 15:32:36

The June event is coming up! A new area will be unlocked at midnight. You'll be able to find some incredible new bunnies you might never have seen before!

To kick things off, we're releasing Special rabbits with an extra wild marking layer! These are non-event rabbits, so you will be able to find them in any area year-round (they are a bit rare, though). You can breed them (and the extra marking can be passed on to non-wilds), but they're pose-locked and Shadows won't work on them.

Which brings us to the event! Here's a little teaser of what's to come. More details tonight.

New Layout

2019-05-19 15:22:33

Hello everyone! As you may see there is a new layout!

With this one, we hope everyone has a better time reading and navigating the site!
It was mainly made by CarrotCube! Even the top bunny and heart graphic. We hope you like it as this is going to be staying!

We have a forum here for bugs and readability issues


If you cant read well something, there is a bug that suddently poped back up, you dont like how X looks like, etc you are more than welcome to post it there!

With this big change we will be able to implement themes to the site! Event themes as well as user-requested ones, like nightmode, for example can be made so everyone can have a different theme! Whether youd like to celebrate events with us or stay up late browsing.

Again, we hope you like the new layout and dont be afraid to post in the frorum adobe whatever bugs or issues you encounter!

Thank you so much for your support!

Shop Search

2019-05-12 14:21:57

To go along with the new restocking feature, there is now a player shop search which you can get to from the Search page on your left sidebar!


2019-05-11 19:03:48

A new shops and restocking feature has been added! Starting at level 10, you can find various shops around Warrenz in the explore areas.

These shops will sell items at a better rate than Quick Buying. Sometimes, you may even find sales that provide further discounts.

Note about DNA prices: DNA prices are still planned to go significantly after a shop for DNA is added. However, this update does not include the DNA shop. That will come later!

DNA Prices

2019-05-10 13:05:44

This is a heads up that the quick buy prices on DNA will be raised significantly in the future.

We aare currently building a restocking feature that will allow you to discounts on items, and there will be a DNA shop with a potential to find sales that are cheaper than the quick buy prices.

The quick buy prices will be adjusted once we add the new shop.

Contest Winner

2019-05-09 00:27:02

AnyGift won the Character Contest against 53 other rabbits! Their owner received 29700 pts, 955 account exp, and 9450 rabbit exp.

Crystal Cave Previewer

2019-05-06 17:10:56

You can now access previews at the Crystal Cave regardless of whether you have the items needed.

Dichromatic Eyes

2019-05-03 13:49:47

There was a bug that caused dilute rabbits to have mismatched eyes. All dilutes in poses where both eyes were visible were effected. We had to remove this so that having both gray eyes would be possible on the site again, but have re-added the dichromatic condition as a rare abnormality.

You may now notice some dilute rabbits with this rare condition. In order to make it more noticeable in poses that don't have both eyes visible, it can now be seen in color names as 'Dichromatic.'

Dichromatic has also been added to the color names of rabbits with eyec and different colored eyes.

Color names have been added to the rabbit search.

There was also a bug that caused heterochromia in vienna, causing one blue eye. This is going to be re-added as well in a separate update (ot will be programmed separately from dilute heterochromia).

Contest Winner

2019-05-02 00:27:05

* Forewarn won the Character Contest against 55 other rabbits! Their owner received 31200 pts, 1010 account exp, and 10450 rabbit exp.

Spirit Variation

2019-04-25 21:44:57

There's a big update today to Spirits! The Spirit color now comes in 5 possible variations, so you can get many more different markings than before!

A big thank you to CarrotCube for most of the added spirit marking artwork!

Please note: In order to prevent changes to previously existing rabbits, the new markings are only attainable to rabbits at IDs 308820 and above. This means that snowflakes will not work on rabbits with an ID lower than 308820. If you want a rabbit changed to a new ID, check out this thread.

Contest Winner

2019-04-25 00:27:05

Macabre won the Character Contest against 50 other rabbits! Their owner received 28300 pts, 915 account exp, and 8800 rabbit exp.

Contest Winner

2019-04-18 00:27:03

SunnyNight won the Character Contest against 51 other rabbits! Their owner received 29700 pts, 975 account exp, and 9950 rabbit exp.

New Pose

2019-04-16 19:54:42

There's a new pose on Warrenz! You can find them in various areas starting with the Cityside Park. They can also be found at the Spirit Tree and in the April Garden.

Preview Specs

2019-04-13 17:30:41

There's a new credit item that allows you to preview the rabbits found in explore. Preview Specs will last for half an hour and will stack if multiples are used.

They can come in handy for chimera hunting, or searching for other nice colored rabbits. They do not affect odds of finding certain rabbits, but they allow you to view all three images without clicking on sillhuopettes. Thank you, CarrotCube, for doing the Wilds, Spirits, and English (TBA) for these!

Explore Recode

2019-04-13 13:50:07

The 'Find Rabbits' feature has been given a complete recode! You can now find rabbits without worrying that they will disappear if someone else finds them first. Unlike in the previous system, this new explore will generate a new rabbit any time you find one (so no one else can find your rabbit).

Another major difference between the two systems is that the old one involved the use of premade rabbits from the database. The new one has no premades, so there is a much greater variety of genetics and other factors in the rabbits you will be able to find in each area.

Basic Forage

2019-04-12 15:15:01

There is a new default foraging ability that any rabbit can use, including ones who don't have any foraging skills. It has the same effectiveness as Sniff Around and is called Basic Forage.

Blue Snowflake

2019-04-11 18:46:48

There is a new Snowflake that can be found alongside the others! Details have been added to the Snowflake Guide.

|< . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 . . 8 . . 9 . . 10 . . 11 . . 12 . . 13 . . 14 . . 15 . . 16 . . 17 . . 18 . . 19 . . 20 . . 21 . . 22 . . 23 . . 24 . . 25 . . (26) . . 27 . . 28 . . 29 . . 30 . >|