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Contest Winner

2020-07-23 00:27:10

Talulla won the Character Contest against 117 other rabbits! Their owner received 47500 pts, 1205 account exp, and 11250 rabbit exp.


JourneyingNerves against 3 opponents.

MilkSpark against 3 opponents.

Anthem against 7 opponents.

BuckeyeWillow against 3 opponents.

Daffodilpatch against 2 opponents.

LoseLenses against 5 opponents.

SnakeNether against 2 opponents.

LizardLunch against 5 opponents.

Ata against 3 opponents.

ShroomScience against 3 opponents.

KeenNice against 1 opponents.

Asphyxia against 5 opponents.

Hare against 2 opponents.

Venison against 4 opponents.

StolenWest against 3 opponents.

Tropical Night against 4 opponents.

FearUpset against 2 opponents.

SpaceExpert against 4 opponents.

FluffyWish against 3 opponents.

Interstellar against 4 opponents.

Responsibilities against 3 opponents.

DessertGuide against 3 opponents.

SeverAnnoy against 2 opponents.

ActuallyMoss against 3 opponents.

PinkPetals against 2 opponents.

MassivePictures against 2 opponents.

WeedBreathing against 1 opponents.

Alicorn Marking Pack

2020-07-21 17:27:36

New Alicorn markings have been added!


2020-07-20 06:51:57

The Hibiscus accessory is getting a small touch up to fix shading issues and make it fit Warrenz' style more than before.

We are currently still going through and revamping this for each pose.

The updates are very minor, but will not take affect right away. Your rabbits will either update the next time you update their image, or when the image is re-rendered for any reason.

Fawn Marking Pack

2020-07-15 11:46:23

New Fawn markings have been added!


2020-07-14 17:02:43

A new wearable flower has been added! The Hibiscus. It can be found in the Tropic Yard with foraging or challenging rabbits.
It is not wearable by every pose, but more will be added in the future.

Thank you to our volunteer artist, sleepless, for helping add this accessory!

Holland Lop Marking Pack

2020-07-11 09:22:42

New Holland Lop markings have been added!

Contest Winner

2020-07-09 00:27:11

CottonCandy won the Character Contest against 182 other rabbits! Their owner received 67500 pts, 1555 account exp, and 15000 rabbit exp.


SpiceMist against 5 opponents.

Decay against 1 opponents.

BendyPosy against 5 opponents.

EquallyGenders against 5 opponents.

CloudBase against 5 opponents.

Ata against 6 opponents.

Atenriole against 8 opponents.

SmallDunce against 5 opponents.

BellWhimsical against 5 opponents.

SpringMorning against 8 opponents.

StormRaiser against 7 opponents.

BringSeek against 5 opponents.

UnconfirmedTurkeys against 6 opponents.

StarComing against 7 opponents.

AntlerBinky against 5 opponents.

NameOffense against 6 opponents.

PeaNut against 7 opponents.

NonsenseBeauty against 5 opponents.

WitConverse against 3 opponents.

Stella against 8 opponents.

WingedGreat against 8 opponents.

AnkleHeight against 3 opponents.

PointedGrab against 6 opponents.

Motley against 4 opponents.

WineWanted against 4 opponents.

EarthlyRigid against 4 opponents.

WrinkleSplendor against 6 opponents.

Chimera Shop

2020-07-06 03:45:49

Starting on July 10th, the Chimera shop will be accessible by leveling up your account to lvl 30, similar to the way other shops work.
This is being done to prevent the confusion about how to unlock the shop.

Currently, the shop can be unlocked by finding a chimera or mosaic in explore or from breeding, but it does not unlock when a chimera is obtained through other measures (such as the Forsaken Burrows or auctions).

The level unlock method may make this shop temporarily inaccessible to players under level 30, but will be unlocked once the level is reached!

Contest Winner

2020-07-02 00:27:11

Pinot Noir won the Character Contest against 177 other rabbits! Their owner received 69600 pts, 1710 account exp, and 18350 rabbit exp.


PinkyFragrance against 5 opponents.

GrassySight against 6 opponents.

ProtectiveTrumpet against 4 opponents.

MarriageJourney against 5 opponents.

IslandClusters against 6 opponents.

PerfectCowCow against 6 opponents.

Shredder against 7 opponents.

DarkFrost against 9 opponents.

Bumblebee against 8 opponents.

ColouredStand against 5 opponents.

DeadlySmell against 7 opponents.

HusbandHouseApart against 6 opponents.

Daffodilpatch against 4 opponents.

BabyTiger against 6 opponents.

WillKeep against 3 opponents.

SacredFlavor against 3 opponents.

DevilLettuce against 4 opponents.

StomperPurchase against 6 opponents.

ExaggeratedTwist against 5 opponents.

ValueConstant against 4 opponents.

OpeningCoriander against 5 opponents.

Hyzenthlay against 9 opponents.

WithoutConcepts against 5 opponents.

PerpetualSnap against 6 opponents.

FairytaleLove against 6 opponents.

EitherPhase against 2 opponents.

July is Here!

2020-07-01 06:36:37

The July event is here! And keeping with the show-related theme of this month, there is a new pose available!

It's not as rare as the special species poses we see in some events, but it's not common, either. This new pose is the second (along with the Lionhead) of many poses that will fall under the 'uncommon' category.

Uncommon poses can be obtained from here on out with an 'Uncommon SHadow' (formerly known as the Lionhead Shadow), which now works similar to Shadow of a Doubt, but for uncommon poses.

Everything else that was in the July event last year has also returned. Happy hunting!

Character Contest Update

2020-06-26 09:09:50

The character contest has been updated!

We have made a fix to a known bug that caused the overall winners to double dip with runner-up prizes as well. They will now earn the prizes from overall winning, but not runner-up.

The runner-up prizes have also been updated to be based on the number of rabbits within the pose rather than overall count.

These updates will be applied to the upcoming contest.

Contest Winner

2020-06-25 00:27:07

LesserJanuary won the Character Contest against 125 other rabbits! Their owner received 49400 pts, 1220 account exp, and 11150 rabbit exp.

Wildpalms Marking Pack

2020-06-23 21:10:20

New Wildpalms markings have been added!


2020-06-23 07:50:08

The flag items can now be found at Binky Buys and challenge rabbits in certain locations (see the challenger guide).

These will be available through these methods year-round.

Contest Winner

2020-06-18 00:27:13

Daffodilpatch won the Character Contest against 205 other rabbits! Their owner received 76000 pts, 1750 account exp, and 17750 rabbit exp.

Wildpalms Marking Pack

2020-06-17 20:52:35

New Wildpalms markings have been added!

NameGenerator Editor

2020-06-12 12:25:18

The name generator now comes with a built-in “suggest word” feature for users.

Previously, staff took suggestions for new words through the forums, but you can now do it yourself using the Name generator editor.

New words must be approved by staff to go to into the name generator.

There is a link to this editor in the help section.

Tiger Marking Pack

2020-06-11 15:24:26

New Tiger markings have been added!

Contest Winner

2020-06-11 00:27:07

PlumHeart won the Character Contest against 245 other rabbits! Their owner received 90900 pts, 2095 account exp, and 22650 rabbit exp.

Inappropriate Name Reports

2020-06-10 16:24:04

We have made an update to the way inappropriate name reports are handled. Rather than manually censoring the names of rabbits that have been found to have an appropriate names, moderators can now reset reported rabbits with a new name that will censor the reported one.

The new name will be generated in exactly the same way names are generated elsewhere on the site (randomly) and will overwrite any custom name if a custom name has been set with the name stone (in other words, both the name and the old name will be reset, as if the rabbit had been generated for the first time).

If you find a rabbit with an inappropriate name that needs to be censored from the site, do not feel the need to waste the name stone on them. Their name will be reset by staff. You can apply a name stone after the name has been censored.

Staff will continue to adjust the name generator as needed to prevent inappropriate names from occurring.

Warrenz does not allow names that go beyond PG-13 limits, or promote abuse or hateful intent against particular groups of people.

Warrenz does allow names that are unflattering such as EatDirt, BadSmell, RelationshipFail, etc. names may be insulting, have potentially unpleasant connotations, or slight innuendos as long as they are within PG-13 limits and don’t inspire hate against real life groups of people.

If you have a rabbit with an unpleasant name that you would like to never see again, you can change and completely remove the original name in two step:
Step 1: Use a name stone to choose a new name for your rabbit.
Step 2: Use the [remoldname] bio code to make the original name hidden. This will prevent you from ever seeing the original name again. You will only see the new name that you have chosen for the rabbit.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask the staff. Thank you all for the reports!

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