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Kindling is back!

2019-02-21 14:51:03

The new kindling system is up and running. If you find any issues, let us know in the help or bugs area!

Kindle System Update

2019-02-21 13:23:52

The Kindling System has been mostly recoded and is still being tested. We want to make sure to get a little more testing in before it's used, since this is such a major recode.

The biggest update is that there will be a breedable stat! It will work similarly to the stat total on Leporidae. You'll be able to breed it higher and higher, and even increase it through battling, so you don't have to replace your favorite rabbits. A level training cap will still apply, though.

The 'new' stat will be a more important version of the Intellect stat, which is being renamed the 'Aptitude' stat to better reflect its purpose. It retains all of the benefits of the formerly named intellect stat, plus more than will be added later.

Other updates:

1. Kits will age 1 month per day similar to other sites like Leporidae, so you'll always know what time to expect them to age.

2. Given the above, all rabbits on the site now have an age. Does can start breeding at adulthood, bucks at young adulthood, and kits will leave home at 3 months (juveniles).

3. Selling kits will be added later, we're prepping the new system for it.

Delete Rabbits

2019-02-19 17:56:54

For those who have a lot of excess rabbits that you want to remove, but don't want to send to the Forsaken Burrows, you can now permanently delete rabbits from your settings page.

You can also use this to delete just one rabbit, too.

Kindle System Recode

2019-02-19 14:03:18

Hello, everyone!

This is a heads up that we are going to be completely revamping Warrenz' kindle system. The latest work that was done on it didn't turn out to work as well as we'd hoped, it really needs more work.

The feature will need to go down for a couple of days because it is such a large feature and we want to put a lot more into it. We're going to be putting a lot of focus on revamping it with all of the player suggestions in mind.

Thank you all for your patience!

Energy Restore

2019-02-18 12:57:12

You can now restore your rabbit's energy in battle by using fruits, vegetables, and berries.

The items that now do this (rather than restoring health) are: Bananas, Grapes, Cherries, Strawberries, Asparagus, Coconut, Apple, and Cabbage.

7 Day Upgrades

2019-02-17 11:18:55

Due to the updates with the Kindle system, upgraded accounts now have room for a whopping 500 rabbits!

Also due to the Kindling update, all current accounts have been given 7 days of a free upgrade. This is to help with dealing with all the extra kits that were conceived right before the update.

Level Cap 170

2019-02-16 14:48:01

The level cap is now 170, and a new pose in the level 170 area!

There are also 3 new mission rabbits available for a limit time on the admin account here.

Own the Mission Rabbits

2019-02-11 17:59:42

The rabbits who send you on missions can be owned by players now. They are currently for sale on the Admin account

These are special rabbits who cannot die or be altered. Their image, name, gender, scars, and personalities can't be changed, since they're considered game required NPCs. They also can't die and will not be deleted if they wind up in the Forsaken Burrows. Otherwise, they're like normal rabbits—you can level them up, give them skills, train them, forage, and have them kindle litters. They don't do anything special that other rabbits can't, owning one just means you have an exclussively obtainable rabbit with a low ID. Although not likely, there is a chance that the Warrenz Admins may alter their appearance or other unchangable feature at some point to fit any game changes (if needed).

Once sold, their new owners may or may nor want to resell them, and they may or may not wind up on an inactive account in the future, so this is a limited sale if anyone wants them.

Kits Included in Limits

2019-02-10 16:36:47

This hasn't happened yet, but this is a heads up that on the 15th, we're going to start including kits in the rabbit limits.

The reason we want to do this is so we can increase the limits more and you can decide whether you want to use that space for adult rabbits instead, rather than only having that space available for potential kits.


2019-02-09 14:49:50

The level cap has gone up again! It is now 130.

You can find Dutch colored rabbits in the level 130 area.

New Feature - Missions

2019-02-08 15:30:36

There's a new feature that can be used to earn extra points and remove excess items from your den! We've been wanting to provide another method of earning points and using items, so we're exited to announce Missions! With missions, you can turn your items in for nice point rewards. A new set of mission badges have been added along with the new feature.

You can find missions on the Explore Map. Each location has its own rabbits who will ask for various items in exchange for point rewards. As you level up to unlock new areas, you gain access to that areas missions.

You can turn in the items you foraged for, or even turn in the ones you bought in shops. Any items in your den can be turned in (if they're what the rabbit requested and you have enough of them).

The same rabbit's mission can be redone every 3 hours, though the rabbit may ask for a different item, quantity, and give a different payment amount each time—depending on the rabbit, each mission rabbit has their own unique requests and payouts.

If you leave a mission unfinished, it will be refreshed every 1-2 days. So if there's a mission you don't want to do, you can wait until it gets replaced by another request from that mission rabbit.

Let us know if you have any issues such as bugs with this new feature, or any questions.

Level Cap Raised

2019-02-01 07:45:34

The account level cap has been raised to 120 with a new area to unlock!

There will also be more new areas to unlock in the future.

Den Shops

2019-01-26 14:23:50

You can now sell items to other players from your den!

First, move any items you want to sell into your shop. You can do this by clicking on the item in your den and clicking the button 'Move to Shop.'

Once you have items stocked in your shop, you can go to your My Shop page from your den and start setting prices.

You can give the View My Shop link to another player where they will be able to buy the items in your shop.

Shadow of a Doubt

2019-01-23 09:59:54

The Shadow of a Doubt item is no longer in the Grasslands, just a heads up. The reason we made it available in the Grasslands was due to the pose resets across the site.

The pose-changing item will be placed somewhere else where it's intended to be soon. We are also still working on the feature to buy/sell items to and from other players.

Notifications & Warrens

2019-01-19 11:47:48

When using the forums, you will now get a notification if someone else replies to your thread.

Also, when looking to join someone else's warren, you can now see which ones have space available easily on the main warrens listing page.

New POse & Phrases

2019-01-13 21:41:24

There's a new pose! You can find them in the first 3 areas for now. We are currently working on reposing the wild rabbits to fit better with their personalities, which are now reflected in various phrases you can read when you find them.

The first three areas are done. We'll finish reposing the other areas in the next few days.


2019-01-12 20:56:07

Poses can now be either gender! This messed up the poses of already-existing rabbits, but we have a solution to that (below). Note that the wild rabbit poses will have to be fixed too, which we intend to do alongside another upcoming feature.

We were unable to retain poses of rabbits who have been switched over, so we are also releasing the pose-changing item at the same time. We figured instead of offering to fix all your rabbits, it would be more beneficial to players to get the pose-changing item for free so you can choose any pose you want for any rabbit, and sell them too if you'd like. You can now forage for it in the Grasslands for a week.

We recommend holding onto any extras you find if you have room, there's going to be an option to sell items to other players soon.

Fantasy Color Dominance

2019-01-12 19:29:26

We switched the order of dominance on fantasy colors to reduce the odds of them hiding (aka breeding two real rabbits and getting a fantasy color).

This will cause any rabbits who used to carry a fantasy color to now express it. Please let us know in the help forum if you have any rabbits you would like the fantasy genetics removed from due to this update.


2019-01-11 20:49:57

You can now claim Badges for reward bonuses! They will also display on your profile.

Badges are earned by completing certain criteria, like having kindled 10 litters, reached level 30, or winning against 50 rabbits in challenges.

The Badges page is accessible from the sidebar.

Level Progress Bars

2019-01-10 11:41:22

You can now view your current progress towards your next level with the indicator on your left sidebar. You can also view a progress bar on your rabbit's levels on their profiles!

|< . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 . . 8 . . 9 . . 10 . . 11 . . 12 . . 13 . . 14 . . 15 . . 16 . . 17 . . 18 . . 19 . . 20 . . 21 . . 22 . . 23 . . 24 . . 25 . . 26 . . 27 . . (28) . . 29 . >|