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[deleteme] Bio Code

2019-10-15 06:40:51

There is a new bio code for rabbit deletions. To help prevent accidental deletions, you now must include [deleteme] somewhere in a rabbit's bio for them to appear in the list of rabbits available for deletion on your settings page.

Original Name

2019-10-15 06:23:54

Rabbits now have an 'original name' recorded and listed on their profile. This will tell you what the rabbit's randomly generated name was upon being born or brought in from explore.

Rabbits below ID 724719 may not have had this information recorded, so the original name will simply match whatever their name during the time of this update.

Back Button

2019-10-15 02:38:20

The back button has been removed due to issues with it covering other buttons for some players. We are still working on trying to fit it into the site's layout, but in the meantime, we don't want it to prevent normal functionality of the site. This is just a heads up.

Shops Down

2019-10-15 01:49:02

The player shops are temporarily down while we work on fixing a bug. It’s expected to be back up later today.

Sponsor A SUggestion

2019-10-14 00:17:00

For those who are interested in helping fund certain features, we added a sponsorship option to threads in the Sgggestion forum.

If a thread has a 'Sponsor Me' tag, you'll have the option to sponsor it for credits. This is basically a way for you to contribute funds directly towards features you want, and we'll be able to add it sooner because of the funds.

Not all suggestion threads are sponsorable. You can read more about that in the sponsoring guide.

Many sponsorable suggestions will be taken anyway (without sponsorship) as we normally do. Sponsoring is simply an additional option for you to contribute to the features you want most, if you want to.

Thank you everyone for your support!

Skunk Unibuns

2019-10-12 10:04:03

Unibuns now comes in Skunk markings. Thank you, Teewie for volunteering to do these.


2019-10-12 09:44:20

We have a few polls open for anyone who would like to participate or give feedback!

What features do you want us to focus on?

Do you want to know when a rabbit's name was randomly generated?

What new credit store stuff would you like?

How/should we improve the navigation/layout?

You can also now add your own polls to new forum topics.

Den Space

2019-10-11 16:07:16

Den space costs have been cut, and everyone who purchased additional den space in the past now has more to corrospond with the lowered cost.

Also just a reminder, your shops don't count towards den size! Feel free to stock as many items as you want.

Value & Rarity Update

2019-10-11 07:08:40

Warrenz has gotten huge since we started last year! There is much more to do and see now that we've grown and add many new features.

Moving forward from our humble beginnings, we've updated some of the rarities on colors that are meant to be special and high value. We hope these updates will help give value and retain value in rabbits that have it, making them feel just a little bit more special!

- The Lionhead pose, which is a hybrid between Unibuns and regular bunnies, has been updated as a special species. They will no longer be available with Shadow of a Doubt, but will be given their own transform item (that will be available during the June event). They can now be found only in the June event area. We'll do a special release of the transform item soon since it wasn't available last year, but it will revert back to a June exclussive after the initial release.

- Wilds, colorfuls, English, eyec, and special colored rabbits have all been made more rare both in explore and when breeding.

- We will be adding mushrooms that can be used to increase the chances of getting rare colors when breeding.

- The Quick Buy feature will be given all ''essential items.' When the Quick Buy feature was originally added, it was because there were no other features to get items from, but now that we have features for items, it will contain only essential emergency need goods (there will be one health item rather than multiples, for example, and only basic DNA, there will be a DNA shop for others). This will be updated within the next couple days, EXCEPT for the DNA, which will be left there until the DNA shop is added.

Special Stones

2019-10-10 14:17:32

There are a few new items you can get which will give your rabbits unique markings (Jay, Skunk, Palms, and Tigers). They can now be found by foraging.

Jay Stones can be found at the Quiet Beach area, Skunks at the Rabbitry, Palms at the June Beach (during the June event), and Tigers at the Riverbank.

Using these stones, you can add or remove the markings (on poses that have that marking available). It will automatically add the marking if the rabbit doesn't have it, or remove it if the rabbit does have it. You can now preview these in the Crystal Cave in the dropdown where Skvader Stars were previously found.


2019-10-10 12:48:45

Two more poses are now available with tiger stripes!


2019-10-10 01:06:21

There's a new color found only at the River Bank!

For now, the color is quite rare and can only be found in this pose. More poses will become available later (which will naturally increase the chances of them appearing similarly to Skunks and Jays).

Contest Winner

2019-10-10 00:27:04

SoftStomp won the Character Contest against 63 other rabbits! Their owner received 33400 pts, 1040 account exp, and 10650 rabbit exp.

Tunnel Sort

2019-10-07 11:47:02

You can now apply individual sorting orders for your tunnels! This will override your overall default sorting options (and also override that of people who view your tunnel).

Chimera Transform Item

2019-10-07 05:09:50

There is a new section of the site store called 'Limited Offers' where we will have some special, rare items you can get. These items are available in limited quantities, so they may not always be purchasable.

The first of these rare items to be added is the Chimera Mask, which will turn your chosen rabbit into a chimera.

To go along with the new item, the Crystal Cave has a new checkbox where you can preview all of your rabbits as chimeras.

Note: We are in the process of adding a new color called Harlequin. So if you see a chimera with a broken image, it's because the chimera side has the new unreleased markings—no need to report these! They'll be fixed automatically later. Thank you, everyone!

New Poses

2019-10-06 15:35:21

The new poses are out! Thank you to theverdanthare from Deviantart for doing the sketches, CarrotCube (gallery link) for doing a lot of the wild and other markings, parcidinonyx (gallery link) for the skunks, sleepless (gallery link) for the palms, Ryrima (gallery link) for the #886 jays), and Arsen for the #46 jays!

New Poses

2019-10-04 07:28:11

Not one, but two new rabbit poses can now be found in the regular explore areas! We'll let you all see these in action before we post what they look like.

There's also a fun new home page bunny for October! Feel free to share this on social media or anywhere you'd like to spread some holiday joy and find more bunny lovers who may want to play Warrenz!

Contest Winner

2019-10-03 00:27:01

BeautyPuddle won the Character Contest against 40 other rabbits! Their owner received 24600 pts, 830 account exp, and 7600 rabbit exp.


2019-10-01 05:13:37

The new pose comes in Skunk and Jay markings thanks to Ghost for volunteering.

Ghost has an art gallery here that you can check out!

Another thank you to Fission for doing the English markings.

And finally, thank you to CarrotCube for doing a lot of the standard colors, including the Wild markings.

CarrotCube has an art gallery here that you can check out!

Trick or Treat!

2019-09-30 17:52:02

Trick or Treat! Smell my lucky rabbit feet.

The October event is here! We'll be starting a few hours early this year (in the future, the event will begin at midnight sharp).

During the month of October, you'll be able to Trick or Treat on player profiles (excluding your own). Players who are level 30+ are trick-or-treatable. Players of higher levels will give you more items, and some of the items you can get depend on the player you're trick or treating (so you may not the same items everywhere).

You can trick or treat each player's profile once a day, and there's a small randomized cooldown period between trick or treating. Have fun, everyone!

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